Strona: V-learning tool / Janus Project

V-learning tool

red. Dorota Stadnicka

Virtual Reality Tool

If you want to try the VR platform use:
Username: demo
Password: demo

Main window to view the Rzeszów University of Technology Virtual Reality  scenario

Main window to view the PRZ VR scenario

he VR model of the UR robots at University of Turin

The VR model of the UR robots at POLITO

Read more in the handbook: 

Practical handbook for teachers with guidelines on how to integrate Virtual Reality for Robotics education

and in the following Annexes:

Annex 3 - Development of the VR platform and Educational Scenario (3D Content).

Annex 4 - Pilot of the use case. Case Study Monitoring. Continues Data collections from use case .

Annex 6 - Backend API & Server Configuration.

Annex 7 - Unit Testing.

Annex 11 - Integration of Assessment. Teaching-learning Tool.


The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use