e-Pedagogy and Virtual Reality Based Robotic Blended Education
Project No: 2020-1-PL01-KA226-HE-095371
Project Multiplier Event in Poland
Virtual reality supporting education process related to robotics
28 February 2023, 10.30-11.35
Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza
Rzeszów, Al. Powstańców Warszawy 8, room L-122a
Workshop led by Maksymilian Mądziel, Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza
10:30–10:35 Welcome, Maksymilian Mądziel, Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza
10:35–10:45 Presentation of JANUS project Partners and the main goal of the project.
10:45–11:00 Presentation of the project website and overview of the project results.
11:00–11:10 Presentation of e-learning program
11:10–11:20 Presentation of Learning Analytics Tool
11:20–11:30 Presentation of Virtual Reality Tool
11:30–11:35 Questions and closing discussion